MINERVA DAWN FARMS INDUSRRIA E COMERCIO DE PROTEINAS SA. is a leader in beef exports from South America and we also operate in the processed segment, selling our products to more than 100 countries. The Company’s history is based on solid, disciplined, coherent and experienced management, which seeks to operate in the most profitable markets through the use of risk management instruments.We supply beef,pork and chicken.MINERVA DAWN FARMS invests daily in the modernization of its industrial units, carries out strategic acquisitions, maintains a broad and personalized portfolio of quality products, and has an integrated and efficient distribution logistics.


Chicken Drumstick

Quality Assured
Minerva Fine Foods has a rigorous quality system, which ensures the control of all stages of the process and also of the manufacturing environment, and meets the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) principles from the Brazilian legislation and from the main importing countries. That system is permanently audited by clients and certified by the BRC (British Retail Consortium), one of the most rigorous production regulations in Europe.
Our products are released and delivered to customers only after microbiological analysis, confirming that all stages of the production process followed the most rigorous quality control standards.